Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Support Obama, and stop spreading fear!

I've come to the conclusion that the intelligent voting folks of America vote for several different reasons. I've only named a good 4 of these as Joaquin is lightly sleeping next to me and the laptop. I've probably only have 2.5 seconds before I jump back into my lovely nursemaid duties. :)

1. We vote according to our political party.

2. We vote for whoever/whomever our folks tell us to vote for. :)

3. We vote for the person that we truly believe is right for the Presidency based on studying the individual's campaign issues that he/she tackles as their objectives, and

4. We vote for the President, and in some recent cases...the Vice President that is less scary.

Yes, I am an OBAMA/BIDEN supporter. I use to work in a state government agency that left me displeased with how funds were distributed among the low-income families. Why you ask? The answer...it was obvious that 9 times out of 10, families that needed the assistance were never eligible to receive the assistance based on the rules that were in place...at that time. However, sometimes this wasn't the case...can't make everyone happy, right? Most importantly, although I disagreed with the implementation of the program sometimes. I agree with the overall purpose of the programs for individuals who may have needed it.

I honestly feel like the OBAMA ticket is the change WE need. I've tried to keep an open mind throughout the last year and a half regarding this next significant election, but I'm getting frustrated by the numerous silly emails and talk spreading regarding Obama (he's not an American, he doesn't wear a flag pin, he won't recite the "Pledge," he is anti-WASP, he is anti-Christian....blah,blah,blah,blah)! Perhaps, before we forward that next email that insists that Obama is the ANTI-WHATEVER, you/me/us need to actually look into the source, http://www.fightthesmears.com/. That goes both ways...with both campaigns. The history of each candidate speaks for itself, just research it for yourself, and stop letting nonsensical forwards tell you who you should vote for or not vote for. SERIOUSLY!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My little fella...

Joaquin is developing into quite a little firecracker! He is absolutely amazing, and yes I believe he's the most beautiful child in the world (insert big proud grin here). He makes me so happy. Joaquin is now 5 months old. He is flipping from back to belly; he loves some tummy time; he squirms/crawls effectively meaning, if there is something near him on the floor and he wants it...he will get it; he well recognizes his hands, fingers, toes, and feet; he recognizes the little baby in the mirror; he smiles and giggles so hearty; he recognizes his family; he is getting the cause and effect queues (peek-a-boo and acting out the itsy bitsy spider); he is teething, very close to getting a tooth...I think; he baby talks, screams, and squeals; and there are so many other things. He loves for you to talk to him, hold him, love on him, tickle him, blow his hair back. Aw, so amazing kids are!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hormones or just crazy? Or both???

I thought that I managed to avoid any baby blues, postpartum depression, or whatever other psychosis I can blame my actions on. I found myself this time last week...UNEMPLOYED! Why you ask? Well, I thought that maybe just maybe...I didn't want to work anymore (not until Joaquin was bigger and I received my Master's degree). So, what did I do last month, but RESIGN FROM MY JOB! Growing worry and concern over mounting child care expenses, guilt from leaving my son at a daycare that I found inadequate, leaving my son at daycare period, etc-etc. A week after which, I woke up and realized that I made a "doozy" of a mistake. Anyways, long story short...I have rescinded my resignation and have re-evaluated what it means to be a working mom.

I like myself as a working mom, more so than being a stay at home mom. Kudos to those moms that are able to stay at home. It's not for me, not now anyways. Perhaps, if my circumstances were different. So what is the worry here? Quantity versus quality of time spent with my son. I've heard others talk about the struggle between the balancing act of motherhood, and keeping a career going. It's hard to juggle these two tasks. However, so many working moms have expressed to me that it is key that when you are a parent that has to work, the quality of time you spend with your child or children is extremely significant. I'm putting this in writing, because I forgot the feeling I experienced right before I went back to work after 2 months maternity leave. I remember that I began to feel insignificant, and not much use to myself or my son. I know now that I can do both...mommy and worker. It can be done, and I will come through it better this time around. Fingers crossed.