Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Couldn't imagine I'd be here...

Okay, a little over 2 months ago...I became a mama! So very excited. The last two years have been quite trying. My brother, Chris, and my father, Harv, both passed away. My father was and is a strong character in my life, and it has been a heartbreaking event to come through.

Therefore, when I discovered that I was pregnant last fall (unexpectedly of course), I welcomed the news as a great blessing. Joaquin, the new little fella in my world was born on April 16, 2008. He weighed 8lbs even, and was 18 1/2" long. My boy...sorry...our boy. John corrects me, rightfully so when I say that. As he should I suppose, since he resembles him so. :) Anyways, our boy is an absolute delight. I couldn't imagine how much fun I could have at 3am, at home, and up nursing the little bitty guy...on not much sleep...but I do. I imagine, most mamas do.

How could all that 'ripping and running' all weekend long to and from the bars be much fun!?! I am completely focused on Joaquin, and ensuring that he gets what he needs. Not to sound cliche, but it's true...when you have children...your life changes. A positive change.

I returned to work last week, so now our time together is so very precious. I took 2 months maternity leave, not even enough. When I pick the little guy up from 'preschool'...can't call it daycare...sounds cold to me. Anyways, when I pick him up from preschool, it is hard for me to put him in this carseat. I want to hold on to him for a bit. So cuddly he is. I just love him.

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