Friday, July 18, 2008


Everyday there is something new, and smile provoking. :) If I don't pay attention, I might, just might miss something that my little bundle of boy goodness has discovered that he can do. Okay, how could that happen when I'm always in the kid's face?!? Last Saturday, 7/12/08, Joaquin giggled! OUT LOUD! It was so cute, and amazing. I believe I cried a bit. He's wonderful. I was snuggling my nose in his baby scented neck, apparently, he's ticklish, and then it just happened. He started to giggle out loud! It was great. His whole face lit up. His eyes, cheeks, and mouth were all smiling with such excitement. It was wonderful. Even with all the stress that the world gives and hands out free of charge, Joaquin just makes me breathe a lot easier. I love 'em. :) Children are such amazing little gifts that God blesses you with. I'm so extremely thankful for him.

Joaquin has just turned 3 months old! He's reached so many milestones as of late. Joaquin is noticing his little fat feet now. When I change his diaper, he's grabbing at his feet and toes. It'll be just a matter of time before he extends those toes into his mouth! :0 ) I can't wait for that photo op! He's recognizes the touch and voices of his mama and daddy. He also knows his Granny's, Auntie's, and cousin's voices. How do I know that? Well, he greets us all with a big hearty full smile when he hears those familiar voices. It's amazing how much he has grown so quickly, so soon. He coos and talks; kicks his legs and arms; gets really excited at those big bright colors that I try to keep around him; gets excited and pays a bit of attention when I'm reading stories to him; and oh, he can suck his thumb now! So many things!

1 comment:

Daisy @ Our Growing Family said...

Baby laughs really are the best, aren't they?! I'm so glad that you are enjoying being a mama and all that comes with it. It really is the best thing in the world. And it's hard to understand until you experience it for yourself. :)