Thursday, October 16, 2008

It went there...

An image of Obama surrounded by watermelon, fried chicken, and ribs on a foodstamp? How ridiculous can so called "intelligent" folks act? With less than 30 days remaining to the election, ignorance is rearing it's ugly head. What's more important...bringing the nation together, or dividing it between two groups that have a hard history together when it comes to race relations? What's more important? We've come so far to have a black Presidential candidate and female Vice President with real possibilities of it happening, that some have resorted to propaganda. Let's not forget how that leaves a bad taste in the mouths of voters. Images of picannies, ape-like black folks, and watermelon is not something I want to see these days, and especially endorsed by a Presidential candidate's campaign or supporters. When you take not so well informed people and throw fuel on the fire, or on their ignorance for that matter...PROPAGANDA, will be created. Whether on paper or spewing out of the mouths of those not so informed voters. Let us not slip back into those times.

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