Thursday, October 23, 2008

Don't walk away Waca!

Big news! Look who is crawling! All of the milestones are zipping right on by. My little guy has changed so much in recent weeks. Let's see: he has a tooth, his right bottom left incisor; the other one is peeping through too; he's really smiley and chattery; not only is Joaquin crawling, but he's pulling up with help; standing up with help; sitting up on his own; really knows familiar faces and gets a bit sad when they leave the room; oh, and there are so many other things. It's so exciting! Seriously, Joaquin had been squirming around on the floor from point A to point B for a little while there, but a couple of days ago it all just clicked and he started crawling, up on all floors, and exploring around the house and the hallway. One morning this week my Mama was telling me about the encounter of Joaquin and our cat, Sophie, as Joaquin wandered off of the blanket on the floor. Sophie has been quite curious about Joaquin since we brought him home. Anyways, I've been worried about Sophie getting ahold of Waca-waca, but apparently, it's the cat that needs to be concerned about his face and tail. :) Mama said that Joaquin saw the cat, Sophie, and he charged him! He squeezed his face with two hands, like he was expecting Sophie to squeak like his rubber ducky. LOL! That is so funny. Oh, I'm so amazed by him. I love-loves him, my boy.
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