Monday, November 24, 2008

Daycare #2

I can't sleep tonight, starting a new daycare tomorrow and I'm having some first day jitters (for Joaquin, and myself). I can't wait to get through tomorrow. I just got to get into responsible mommy mode, and remind myself that this interaction is good for little Joaquin, and myself for that matter. He is now 7 months old, and has his 2nd tooth a couple of weeks ago. He's crawling, pulling up to a stand with and w/out help, and cruising surfaces! WOW! He'll be walking in a blink of any love, Joaquin.


Daisy @ Our Growing Family said...

first of all, i LOVE, LOVE that picture of him!!! it is really adorable. the kind where you just want to reach out, scoop him up, and kiss all over his little face!!!

second of all, i hope the new daycare goes well!! where are you taking him? have the visits gone well so far?

and thirdly, WOW is right! i can't believe he's already old enough to be moving around so much!! plus, i know that aiden is just three months younger - so that stuff isn't far away for us, either!

can't wait to see you guys when we're in for christmas!! :)

patsy_dee said...

I know, he is absolutely adorable. :)I know you understand, Camden and Aiden are both adorable and wonderful too! :)

Daycare went lovely...I'm able to exhale now. Joaquin and I were both a bit anxious. He didn't take a bottle for like 4-5 hours, during which he only drank 2 ounces of his bottle. :( I nursed him this morning at about 5:30 am(last time he ate before leaving for daycare). I spent my lunch with him, and was able to give him the bottle that the teachers had prepared him. Also, before I actually got to daycare, he broke down and ate a tubful of Gerber squash (YUM)! Joaquin loves-loves squash and peas!