Monday, November 24, 2008


The first day of Joaquin's daycare proved to be hopeful. I'm pleased with the facility, Grace, that is. I have a friend that has her daughter enrolled there, and it has been the one daycare/childcare learning facility that I have visited that I didn't feel like the teachers were feeding me BS. Thank goodness. There are maybe 5 children in the room with two of whom are transitioning to the toddler room. There are two teachers, 2:5 ratio. Grace is a church that provides a warm environment for the kids and parents. I'm pleased with them, and Joaquin seems to be as well. So far so good. He did, however, have a bit of a rough day today. Why you ask?

It's Monday for one. We got up around 5:30ish am and he nursed for a bit. We then got up and got ready for the day. Once I got us out of the house, we were met by misty, cold, rain. The commute to Grace, perhaps 10-15 minutes away, was far better than the hour drive to Frankfort every morning with the little guy (I have now transferred back to my home county to work, and cut out an 80 mile/day trip to work 5 days/week). I got to Grace around 20 minutes before 8am. I sat down with Joaquin and tried to get him a bit comfy, before I had to flee to work before 8. I brought him to the daycare last Friday, so he'd get the feeling that I was comfortable with leaving him there that next week. He was still a bit clingy...okay, WE were still a bit clingy, but it gets better.

Once, I feel comfortable enough to exit, I slip out the door and watch him from a narrow slit in another door to the room. He seemed to be A-ok. :) I take off to the coche (car, in Spanish), and zip to work. Yeah, I burst out in tears for about a sec, before getting out of the parking lot. I WEAR my cell close to me all morning long, and finally break down and call to check up on him! The teacher procedes to tell me that Joaquin hadn't ate any of his cereal, and had only drank two ounces of his 1st bottle of the day! This was about 11am! He last nursed at 5:30am! My kid eats every 2 hours! I'm stressed at this point, however, I know that he won't let himself starve...and he didn't. I took my lunch at noon, and upon entering his room was told that he ate a whole tub of his Gerber squash! The boy loves some squash and peas! I then gave him another bottle that they had prepared. I was able to rock him in the rocking chair and feed him. :) He let me slip out the door to head back to work. He did good overall, just a bit different for him. I'm so pleased with the patience that the teachers had with him and me.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Oh, you are doing soo soo well with all the ups and downs you have gone through in the past year. You have found your anchor in Joaquin, and he will help you stay the course, I know...I love you and I know you are so proud of your little man. Hugs and I miss you!!!